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Physical sciences
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Astronomical instrumentation
Quantum information, computation and communication
Planetary science (excl. solar system and planetary geology)
Quantum optics and quantum optomechanics
Solar physics
Quantum technologies
Stellar astronomy and planetary systems
Atomic and molecular physics
Lasers and quantum electronics
Nonlinear optics and spectroscopy
Photonics, optoelectronics and optical communications
Acoustics and acoustical devices; waves
Classical and physical optics
Thermodynamics and statistical physics
Complex physical systems
Other physical sciences not elsewhere classified
Condensed matter imaging
Condensed matter modelling and density functional theory
Electronic and magnetic properties of condensed matter; superconductivity
Soft condensed matter
Structural properties of condensed matter
Surface properties of condensed matter
Condensed matter physics not elsewhere classified
Biological physics
Plasma physics; fusion plasmas; electrical discharges
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