Data for paper "A new mode of contrast in biological second harmonic generation microscopy"
Enhanced image contrast in biological second harmonic imaging microscopy (SHIM) has previously been reported via quantitative assessments of forward- to epi-generated signal intensity ratio and by polarization analysis. Here we demonstrate a new form of contrast: the material-specific, wavelength-dependence of epi-generated second harmonic generation (SHG) excitation efficiency, and discriminate collagen and myosin by ratiometric epi-generated SHG images at 920 nm and 860 nm.
Collagen shows increased SHG intensity at 920 nm, while little difference is detected between the two for myosin; allowing SHIM to characterize different SHG-generating components within a complex biological sample.
Scientific Reports 7(1) Article number:13331 (2017)
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-13752-y
EPSRC grants EP/I018328/1 & EP/K009699/1 and the University of Sheffield Women Academic Returners Program.
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