The University of Sheffield

Fluorescent dye traces in four UK sewer networks

Version 2 2022-12-12, 11:05
Version 1 2022-08-12, 13:38
posted on 2022-12-12, 11:05 authored by Ian GuymerIan Guymer, Joe Shuttleworth, Olivia Bailey, Margaret Williams, James Frankland, Becky Rhead, Ole Mark, Matthew J. Wade, Fred SonnenwaldFred Sonnenwald

This dataset describes experimental fluorescent dye traces (temporal concentration profiles) recorded in manholes within combined sewer networks located in four different cities across the United Kingdom. It accompanies the journal article entitled "Quantifying mixing in sewer networks for source localisation" (Sonnenwald et al., submitted). This dataset was collected by Professor Ian Guymer and colleagues. This archive was funded by EPSRC grant EP/P012027/1 and the UK Health Security Agency.


Modelling Mixing Mechanisms in 1D Water Network Models

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

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